This is a Cloud server created for my personal use. Please try not to abuse it.
There are few things you need to keep in mind before using:
This cloud is powered by an opensource project Nextcloud.
Your password is absolutely safe, even to me. I encourage you to change it to whatever you like.
All passwords are stored encrypted with randomly generated salt. Which means, even if the database is breached, nobody would know the content of your password.
Make sure you are using "https" to access my site. So that all interactions between you and my server is encrypted.
This site is graded A+ for its https compliance. You can check it yourself at SSL Lab.
For the concern of both performance and my convenience, the files you save to this cloud is not encrypted on the server side.
Don't upload anything you don't want me to see!! If you really need to do so, encrypt it (e.g. password protect ZIP) before you upload.
BTW, only you and me have access to your uploads. Other people can not access those files unless you share them.